Le nostre Operazioni
Alimentare e Agricultura

has acquired

Dettagli dell'operazione
Gran Canaria based snack company Aperitivos Snack has acquired La Gaviota Alimentación
Alimentare e Agricultura

has been acquired by

Dettagli dell'operazione
Swedish delicatessen provider Färskvaruhuset AB has been acquired by BPI A/S, creating an even stronger partner for the food retail sector in the Nordics
Alimentare e Agricultura

has been acquired by

Dettagli dell'operazione
Engelhardt, a leading developer of smart solutions for the food industry, has been acquired by Finnish company Bang & Bonsomer
Alimentare e Agricultura

a subsidiary of

has sold its assets to

Dettagli dell'operazione
ISE America, the 17th largest egg producer in the United States and wholly owned by Japanese conglomerate ISE Foods Co., has sold all its assets to Cal-Maine Foods
Alimentare e Agricultura

has partnered with

to create a centre of excellence
Dettagli dell'operazione
Vivadour has created an upstream-downstream partnership with Moderato to create Chai Sobre, the first center of excellence for wine de-alcoholization in France
Trasporti e Logistica

has been acquired by

Dettagli dell'operazione
Food storage and distribution provider Wild Water Group has been acquired by real estate asset management and advisory company Delancey
Alimentare e Agricultura

has sold the shares of


Dettagli dell'operazione
Private equity firm T Capital Partners has sold its shares in confectionary company Confex to Yamae Group
Alimentare e Agricultura

has sold minority stake to

Dettagli dell'operazione
Leading dietary supplement provider Rioja Nature Pharma has sold a minority stake to private equity fund Tresmares Capital
Alimentare e Agricultura

has received an investment from

Dettagli dell'operazione
Japanese company ISE Foods Inc., the 6th largest egg producer in the world, has received an investment from SMBC Capital Partners, a portfolio company of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Alimentare e Agricultura

has structured a Private Debt transaction
Dettagli dell'operazione
Valpizza S.r.l., a frozen pizza producer and distributor, has Valpizza S.r.l. has structured a Private Debt transaction
Consumer e Retail

has sold 70% of its shares to

Dettagli dell'operazione
Kresk Developpement has bought 70% of Michalak Paris, a well-known brand of patisseries which has three store fronts and one bakery in France and Japan
Alimentare e Agricultura

has acquired

Dettagli dell'operazione
Sapporo Breweries, a popular Japanese beer brand, has acquired Stone Brewing Co., a US-based brewery
Alimentare e Agricultura

has acquired

Dettagli dell'operazione
Nutrisens, a company focused on medical and clinical nutrition, has acquired Glutamine, a provider of gluten-free products
Alimentare e Agricultura

has acquired

a subsidiary of

Dettagli dell'operazione
Sojitz Corporation has acquired Marine Foods, a specialist in the procurement, production and sale of raw seafood materials and subsidiary a of Nippon Ham Co.
Alimentare e Agricultura

a portfolio company of

has been sold to

Dettagli dell'operazione
Financial advisory work related to the sales of the shares of TMG International, K.K. by Next Capital Partners Co., Ltd. to Prima Meat Packers, Ltd.
Alimentare e Agricultura

has been sold to

Dettagli dell'operazione
ZPS Maków, a producer and exporter of frozen fruits and vegetables, has been sold to Orskov Foods
Alimentare e Agricultura

has completed a management buy-out
with funding from

Dettagli dell'operazione
Just Love Food Company has completed a management buy-out with funding from Development Bank of Wales
Alimentare e Agricultura

has sold
the French leader of dry cured ham PGI Jambon de Bayonne


Dettagli dell'operazione
Maïsadour has sold its dry-cured meat division to Fipso, a well-known southwestern cooperative in France within the pork industry
Alimentare e Agricultura

has made a capital and business alliance with

and acquired 60% of the shares of

Dettagli dell'operazione
Sojitz Corportation, which has been engaged in the aviation business for over 60 years, has made a capital and business alliance with Royal Holdings Co., Ltd. and has acquired 60% of the shares of Royal In-Flight Catering Co., Ltd.
Alimentare e Agricultura

has been sold
in an MBI transaction
Dettagli dell'operazione
Cornelis-Adriaenssens, an established producer of chilled ready-to-eat side dishes like mashed potatoes, vegetable based preparations, potato salads and lasagne, has been sold in an MBI transaction
Alimentare e Agricultura
has divested the Assets of

to a NewCo incorporated for that purpose

majority owned by Groupe Mireolian

Dettagli dell'operazione
Terres du Sud divested the assets of Jus de Marmande to Les Jus du Soleil, a new company established for this purpose. The company operates in extraction and packaging activities dedicated to fruits and vegetables juices.
Alimentare e Agricultura

has sold Toraku Foods Co.,Ltd.

Dettagli dell'operazione
Fuji Oil Holdings Inc. has sold Toraku Foods Co.,Ltd., which owns well-known brands and products that include chilled cup desserts, popular “Kobe Pudding” and “Raku Raku Whip”, to Marudai Food Co.,Ltd, that produces and sells ham, sausage, precooked food and fresh meat.
Alimentare e Agricultura

has sold its food and beverage business to

Dettagli dell'operazione
Fukukuru Foods, Inc, which is part of the bars & nightclubs industry, has transferred its food and beverage business to Tetsujin Inc, which is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in the karaoke and restaurant business
Alimentare e Agricultura

has sold its subsidiary
Delpeyrat Périgord


Dettagli dell'operazione
Delpeyrat SAS has sold its subsidiary Delpeyrat Périgord to Gourdon, transformation and distribution specialist of foie gras
Alimentare e Agricultura

acquired a minority stake in

Dettagli dell'operazione
UI Gestion acquired a minority stake in Maison Routin, an expert in the production of flavouring syrups and beverages
Alimentare e Agricultura
Investment in


Dettagli dell'operazione
Foods & Inns Limited makes controlling investment in Kusum Spices, manufacturer and exporter of "Kusum" brand of spices.
Alimentare e Agricultura

has acquired a majority stake in

Dettagli dell'operazione
ProA Capital has acquired a majority stake of Pastas Gallo, the leading pasta producer in Spain
Alimentare e Agricultura
All activities of

have been transferred

Dettagli dell'operazione
All activities of CYBELE, which operates grocery stores in Japan, have been transferred to AS FOODS
Alimentare e Agricultura

has undergone a structuring of a new financing brought by

Dettagli dell'operazione
Kartesia has restructured and increased its financing in Compañía del Trópico in order to face the second phase of growth planed by the company
Alimentare e Agricultura

has been acquired by

Dettagli dell'operazione
Finsbury Food Group has acquired gluten free bakery manufacturer Ultrapharm.
Alimentare e Agricultura

has acquired


and other private investors
Dettagli dell'operazione
Burger King Spain ('BK Spain'), a subsidiary of Restaurant Brands Iberia, which owns the rights in Spain and Portugal for the exploitation of Burger King, has acquired Megafood, the largest franchisee of Burger King in Spain by number of restaurants (a total of 80 located in Andalusia, Extremadura, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla)
Alimentare e Agricultura

has acquired the Tonkichi and Rive Gauche branded food businesses of

Dettagli dell'operazione
Kimly Food Products Pte. Ltd., a manufacturer of other food products (except food chemicals and additives), processing and preserving of meat and meat products, has acquired the Tonkichi and Rive Gauche branded food businesses of Sapporo Lion (S) Pte. Ltd.
Alimentare e Agricultura

Valuation of equity shares of Hindustan Foods Limited
Dettagli dell'operazione
Valuation of equity shares of Hindustan Foods Limited
Alimentare e Agricultura

acquired the shares of

Dettagli dell'operazione
On behalf of the owners of Mor Matilda AB, CFI Sweden has acted as advisor in connection with a ownership concentration in Jakobsdals Charkuteri AB.
Alimentare e Agricultura

has acquired

Dettagli dell'operazione
Maag Grupp AS, a leading food processing company, acquires Tere AS, a dairy production company
Alimentare e Agricultura

has been acquired by

a portfolio company of

Dettagli dell'operazione
Family shareholders have sold De Roller, Netherlands’ market leader in premium fresh smoked sausages, to Group of Butchers, a portfolio company of Nordian Capital Partners
Alimentare e Agricultura

has been acquired by DBG (Dutch Bakery Group)
backed by Standard Investment
Dettagli dell'operazione
DBG acquires Dutch Bakery, a leading player in the home bake-off market with a fully integrated portfolio
Alimentare e Agricultura

has sold a minority stake to private investors
Dettagli dell'operazione
Castellaries Investimentos sold 49,9% of its shares to a private investor
Alimentare e Agricultura

has acquired the home Bake-Off division from

Dettagli dell'operazione
Dutch Bakery acquires the Home Bake-Off division, producing modified atmosphere packaged bread, from Bakkersland
Alimentare e Agricultura

has acquired


Dettagli dell'operazione
Nordian Capital Partners acquires Chrysal International, a producer of post-harvest cut flower care and conditing products, from R12Kapital