Masahiro Matsuoka
Partner, Managing Director

Masahiro Matsuoka
Partner, Managing DirectorProfile
Depois de ter trabalhado na Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. e no Barclays Bank PLC, juntou-se à UBS Securities Japan Ltd. (agora UBS Securities) em 1997 e em 1999 foi nomeado como Head of Equity Research e Managing Director. Juntou-se à Industrial Revitalization Corporation Japan em 2003 e nomeado Managing Director. Co-fundou a Frontier Management Inc. em 2007 e actualmente desempenha funções de Co-Presidente. Foi nomeado Presidente da Frontier Management Shanghai Inc. (uma subsidiária) em 2012.
Últimas transacções
Imobiliário e Construção

has been acquired by

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Blue Bay Building Products has been acquired by Wolseley Group, a leading specialist provider of plumbing, heating, cooling, and utility products to trade customers
Comida, Bebida e Negócios Agrícolas

has sold


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Fleury Michon has sold Room Saveurs, a trading company and laboratory specialized in the development of meal trays, to Kumo

has transferred the equity interests of its subsidiary


Transaction details
Maezawa Kyuso Industries has transferred the equity interests of Maezawa Kyuso (Nanchang) to Guangzhou Hongxing Investment Co., Ltd.
Software & IT

have sold

a portfolio company of

Transaction details
Companyweb, the leading provider of subscription-based credit information and private company data intelligence in Belgium, has been sold to Altares, a provider of B2B data solutions, servicing medium and large companies across the entire data value chain