Roel ter Steeg
Partner, Managing Director

Roel ter Steeg
Partner, Managing DirectorProfile
Roel ter Steeg is sinds 2007 Managing Partner bij CFI Netherlands en bestuurslid bij Corporate Finance International. Roel is actief in de sector zakelijke dienstverlening en heeft specifieke expertise in de subsectoren Staffing & HR Services, Facility Management, BPO, Training en Professional Services.
Roel is afgestudeerd in Bedrijfseconomie aan de Universiteit van Tilburg, met de specialiteit Corporate Finance. Vóór CFI Nederland werkte Roel bij NIBC Bank en Van Den Boom Groep B.V.
Sector focus
Laatste transacties
Business Services

has acquired

Transaction details
Dutch company Reducate EdTech Group has acquired Oxford Medical, expanding in the UK training market
Business Services

a portfolio company of

has been sold to

Transaction details
Defibrion, a leading Dutch distributor of automated external defibrillators and related products, has been sold to IK Partners, a European private equity firm focused on investments in the Benelux, DACH, France, Nordics and the UK