CFI advised Sportfood on its capital raise from Redoma Capital
São Paulo – CFI Brazil is pleased to announce that it acted as the exclusive corporate finance advisor to Sportfood Licenciamento e Franchising S.A. (‘Sportfood’ or the ‘Company’) on its capital raise from Redoma Capital.
Founded in 2013, Sportfood is the world’s first football club fast food franchise, which owns the exclusive rights to develop fast food chains utilizing the names of Brazil’s premier football clubs. The Sportfood project involves the opening of 250 restaurants during the next four years, between street stores, shopping malls and express kiosks. The project started with Grêmio Club – Hamburgueria 1903, and is currently working with 7 principal Brazilian football clubs: Bahia (Caldeirão Tricolor), Corinthians (Loucos & Fiéis e St George), Cruzeiro (Cruzeiro Pasta & Grill), Grêmio (Hamburgueria 1903), Palmeiras (Cantina Palestra), Santos (Belmiro´s) and Vasco (Casa do Almirante).
Redoma Capital is an investment firm, which also provides advisory services to athletes and sports professionals. Henning Sandtfoss, founder of Redoma Capital, commented: “Our investment in Sportfood is in total synergy with our investment portfolio and clients – most of them football clubs – we are very happy to be part of this project.”
The operation is the first of a fundraising program to support the expansion process of the Company. The resources will enable the opening of proprietary units and strengthening the structure and Sportfood’s team.
CFI Brazil acted as the exclusive advisor to Sportfood in a process that was closed on 12 July 2016.
Food & Beverage & Agribusiness

has raised capital from

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Sportfood, a football club fast food franchise, raised capital from Redoma Capital, an investment firm that also provides advisory services to athletes and sports professionals
This transaction was advised by:

Arleu Anhalt
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