
CFI Germany
Your local advisor

Heinrich-Heine-Allee 22
40213 Düsseldorf
T: +49 211 137070



Leonrodstr. 52
T: +49 89 459 29 400


Königstraße 27
T: +49 711 120 46 80


Germany is an industrialized nation with strong international links and a pronounced export focus. In the annual World Trade Organisation (WTO) rankings, Germany is regularly placed among the three largest exporters only behind China and the United States. Germany’s economic success is based on its industrial performance and its capacity for innovation. With 785,000 jobs, the automotive industry is regarded as a market leader. Alongside the automotive industry, plant and mechanical engineering and the chemical industry are traditionally strong pillars of the German economy.

CFI Germany is an independent M&A advisor supported by the complementary competencies of the Helbling Group, Switzerland’s largest independent engineering and consulting group. Headquartered in Zurich, with offices in Germany, China, and the US, the Helbling Group employs more than 500 professionals in the fields of management consulting, M&A, turnaround management, innovation/product development, information technology, real estate, energy and infrastructure.

Situated in Europe’s largest national economy, CFI Germany has many years of experience in dealing with company acquisitions and divestitures. We have realised corporate value in over 400 successful M&A transactions to date. Moreover, with our turnaround and restructuring skills, we have rescued more than 300 firms from crises that threatened their existence, and put them back on track for success. Our integrated approach to strategy and business processes ensures that we offer a broad range of specific corporate finance services, like valuations and financial planning.

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Sector focus

CFI employs a specialised sector focus that supports in-depth understanding of trends, recent innovations, and fluctuating regulations affecting our clients. Fostering a culture of real-time collaboration across the firm, CFI organises itself into 16 international sector teams.

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