Foncière du Château Saint-Léger issued a EUR 40M real estate debt

Paris – CFI France is pleased to announce that they acted as financial advisor to Foncière du Château Saint-Léger when the company issued a EUR 40M real estate debt allowing a headquarters buyback. The debt has been provided by 3 French banks: ARKEA, Credit Agricole IdF and Credit Lyonnais.

Real estate asset composed of 15,000m² of offices, an enterprise restaurant, a convention centre, a premium hotel and a sports centre. It is located in the Ile-de-France region.

The debt issued is amortised over 15 years with a 20% bullet. Arkea has financed 50% of the operation, Credit Lyonnais 35% and Credit Agricole IdF 15%.

The transaction closed on 23 July 2020.

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