Nossas Transações
Aeronáutico e Espacial

has received fundraising from

Transaction details
Spectra, UK-based provider of tactical and strategic mission-critical communications systems, has received fundraising from NatWest as part of their growth and expansion plans
Aeronáutico e Espacial

has been acquired by

a portfolio company of

Transaction details
Federal Equipment Company has been acquired by Fairbanks Morse Defense, a portfolio company of Arcline Investment Management
Aeronáutico e Espacial

has undergone a refinancing from

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Spectra, a leading international solutions provider of secure voice, data and satellite communications to locations with limited or compromised infrastructure within the defence & security sector, has undergone a refinancing from NetWest.
Aeronáutico e Espacial

has sold its heavy fabrication operation to

Transaction details
Demmer Corporation sold its HFO, a vertically-integrated contract manufacturing unit specialised in large structures for heavy vehicles and equipment, primarily for the aerospace and defense industries, to Loc Performance Products, Inc.
Aeronáutico e Espacial

has been acquired by

Transaction details
Family shareholders sold Moeller Aerospace, a manufacturer of precision-machined parts for the gas turbine aircraft and power generation industries, to AE Industrial Partners, a private equity firm actively investing in the aerospace, power generation and specialty industrial markets
Aeronáutico e Espacial

has sold its NOVEK Technical Solutions division

Transaction details
NOVEK, a portfolio company of PPM Oost, sells its NOVEK Technical Solutions division, a technical services provider to the defense and naval industry, to Van Halteren Groep

and other subsidiaries of

have been acquired by

Transaction details
X-Ray Industries, N-Ray Services and Arcadia Aerospace, premier suppliers of Non Destructive Testing to the aerospace market and gas turbine industry, have been acquired by Applus+, from Integrity Aerospace Group and other third-party shareholders
Aeronáutico e Espacial

has acquired


Transaction details
Safran acquires Aerospace Propulsion Products, a supplier of igniters for rocket engines, from TNO Companies