Transportes & Logística

 O E-commerce lidera o crescimento da indústria a um ritmo inigualável

A equipa da CFI de Transportes e Logística está focada em prestar o melhor serviço de assessoria M&A a todo o tipo de empresas a nível internacional. Investe em relações de longo-prazo com Fundos de Investimento e Investidores Industriais estratégicos e está apta a apresentar os investidores e targets mais apropriados com base nos requisitos dos seus clientes.

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Investment Banking Conference - Milan
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Investment Banking Conference – Milan

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CFI United Kingdom Awarded Debt Adviser of the Year 2021
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CFI United Kingdom Awarded Debt Adviser of the Year 2021

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The New State of M&A - CFI Japan was interviewed
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The New State of M&A – CFI Japan was interviewed

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