Båstad-Gruppen acquired Sandryds Group AB
Gothenburg – CFI Sweden is pleased to announce that they acted as financial advisor and project manager on behalf of Frankenius Equity in connection with the change of ownership when Båstad-Gruppen AB acquired Sandryds Group AB.
Frankenius Equity is a family office focusing mainly on investments in retail, e-commerce, life science, property and finance.
Sandryds was founded in 1991 and offers a comprehensive range under two strong brands, South West with light workwear and Smila with light workwear within healthcare. The company has long been the industry leader in sustainability and has also created a successful e-commerce solution, which together with a competitive range and design has led Sandryds to be second in the Swedish profile clothing market today. In 2018, more than three million garments were sold generating sales of SEK 184 million.
The transaction closed on 12 December 2019.
This transaction was advised by:

Jonas Brogardh
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