CFI advised ABN AMRO Effecten Compagnie and Senior Management in the sale of mténv to The House of HR, backed by Naxicap

Amsterdam – CFI is pleased to announce it acted as the exclusive corporate finance advisor to Nederlandse Detachering Unie and its shareholders ABN AMRO Effecten Compagnie and Senior Management, in the sale of MT&V B.V. (‘mténv’ or the ‘Company’) to The House of HR (‘THoHR’), a portfolio company of Naxicap. The Company will join forces with Continu, THoHR’s white-collar engineering consultancy division in the Netherlands and Belgium.

With over 250 professionals, mténv is a leading independent provider of secondment, recruitment and selection of intermediate and higher vocational educated (Dutch: ‘MBO/HBO’) and academically educated (Dutch: ‘WO’) technical white-collar professionals to the housing corporation, construction and civil engineering sectors in the Netherlands. ABN AMRO Effecten Compagnie joined management as a shareholder in 2012 via a restructuring process.

The House of HR is active throughout the entire spectrum of HR solutions. With 11 brands and more than 500 offices spread around 10 countries, the firm realised consolidated revenues of €1.4bn in 2017. Abylsen, Aero, Continu and Tec offer engineering consultancy services. Accent, Covebo, Redmore, TimePartner and Zaquensis are active in the secondment industry. Logi-technic offers technical outsourcing and Vialegis is specialised in recruiting legal, fiscal, and compliance profiles. The House of HR is a portfolio company of Naxicap Partners, one of France’s leading private equity companies with approximately €2.0 billion of capital under management.

Mr Maurik Griep (CEO mténv) stated: “Continu has a very similar entrepreneurial culture as mténv, which is focused on the development of highly-educated professionals combined with a strong focus on innovation and growth. That’s why we are of the opinion that this is truly a perfect match”.

CFI initiated discussions and negotiations with a select range of international strategic parties in a process that ultimately resulted in a successful transaction with The House of HR and Continu. The transaction was closed on 15 June 2018. This transaction further emphasizes CFI’s leading position in the Staffing & HR Services sector. This includes this first add-on transaction by Continu under the umbrella of THoHR, following its sale in 2015 to THoHR. At that time CFI was also advisor to the sellers.


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