Bolster Investment Partners have sold Kraan Bouwcomputing to Nedvest

Amsterdam – CFI is pleased to announce it acted as the exclusive corporate finance advisor to Bolster Investment Partners (‘Bolster’), in the sale of Kraan Bouwcomputing (‘Kraan’) to Nedvest Capital (now part of Treetop).

Kraan specialises in vertical market ERP software for the construction and real estate sectors. It’s software suite provides modular SaaS solutions including costing, planning, equipment management and procurement as well as for payroll and financial administration. Kraan is the market leader in the Dutch civil engineering and non-residential construction markets and its client base includes small, medium-sized and large construction firms.

Bolster Investment Partners is a long term investor specialized in minority interests. Bolster invests in extraordinary Dutch companies with a sharp focus and a proven business model. Bolster’s mission is to create true sustainable value for its companies and its investors, through knowledge, resources and network. The team has a proven track record; it has successfully cooperated with more than 100 companies since 1982. Portfolio investments include companies such as Careflex Zorg Groep, Giesen Coffee Roasters and Esschert Design. Since 2008 Kraan was part of Van Lanschot Participaties, the predecessor of Bolster.

Nedvest is a Dutch family office, targeting controlling stakes in Dutch companies. Nedvest typically invests in companies with an enterprise value between € 8 and € 50 million. Following this transaction, Nedvest will combine Kraan with its peers Admicom and Brickz, to establish a software platform dedicated to all segments of the construction and real estate vertical.

CFI initiated discussions and negotiations in a process, which ultimately resulted in a successful sale to Nedvest Capital that closed on 8 August 2019.



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