Companyweb has gone through an MBO process sponsored by Sofindev

Brussels – Corporate Finance International (‘CFI’) is pleased to announce that they acted as financial advisor to the founders of Companyweb in the MBO process sponsored by Sofindev.

Companyweb is a Belgian based provider of business and financial information focusing mainly on SME customers. The business model consists of selling by phone and web annual subscriptions which enable companies to easily access, use and even integrate business information in their own systems. Companyweb generates recurring and growing revenues and is highly profitable generating ca EUR 2,5 million of EBITDA.

The two founders were approached by a competitor. They wanted to keep their operational independence though wanted to unlock and secure part of the shareholders’ value created over the years. A private equity sponsored leveraged buy-out by which each of the founders kept a substantial minority shareholding accommodated the needs.

CFI was called in to advise the founders on the different strategic options. A discrete, well-targeted, competitive auction involving a very limited number of pre-selected Belgian private equity funds was carried out in a time span of 3 months between a first coffee and closing. Sofindev was the chosen private equity partner.

The transaction closed in July 2018.

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