Specialist Mortgage Group has sold Pink Pig Loans to management

Cardiff – Corporate Finance International (‘CFI’) is pleased to announce that they acted as lead financial advisor to Specialist Mortgage Group on its sale of Pink Pig Loans to management.

Specialist Mortgage Group, previously known as Y3S Group, is a leading group of brokers in specialist finance and includes the packager businesses Y3S Loans, Y3S Bridging & Commercial, Y3S Private Clients, B2B Financial, and Chaseblue Loans.

Pink Pig Loans specialises in Secured Lending – 2nd charge mortgages £5k – £2.5 Million – Bridging finance – 25k – £25Million.

After four years within SMG, 100% of the shares in the Penarth-based specialist packagers have now been acquired by Pink Pig Loans’ managing director, James Rainbird, for an undisclosed amount.

Barney Drake, CEO of Specialist Mortgage Group, commented: “After four years within SMG, James and his team have put forward an offer that makes perfect sense for both parties and today we can announce 100% of Pink Pig Loans’ shares have now been acquired by James. It has been an absolute pleasure to have worked with James during a period when we have seen Pink Pig’s growth accelerate through significant investment in office and IT infrastructure, giving us the ability to increase turnover, double headcount at the business, and expand both the introducer network and the firm’s market share. We want to thank James and everyone at Pink Pig Loans for the significant contribution they have made to SMG and to wish them the very best of luck with everything they do in the future.

The transaction closed on 15 February 2021.

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