United States

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120 S Riverside
Suite 2100
IL 60606
T: +1 312 602 3600
E : chicago@thecfigroup.com


Two Towne Square
Suite 425
Southfield, MI 48076
T: +1 248 223 3300
E: detroit@thecfigroup.com


8181 E. Tufts Avenue
Suite 600
Denver, Colorado 80237

T: + 1 720 370 8181
E: denver@thecfigroup.com

CFI Japan - Frontier Management inc.
New York

250 Park Avenue, 7th Floor,
New York, NY 10177,
T: +1-212-572-6410
E: newyork@thecfigroup.com


For more information on CFI Japan, please visit the Japan country page


CFI USA, a U.S. registered broker/dealer, is an investment bank providing merger and acquisition services to companies throughout The Americas, Europe, and Asia. Since our inception, we have successfully completed hundreds of financial advisory engagements for a wide array of clients in virtually every business sector, including individual and family-owned businesses, large public companies, and private equity firms. Led by a dedicated team of senior professionals, all with extensive transaction experience and deep industry credentials, we continue to demonstrate our commitment to meeting the unique needs of middle-market companies and their owners. We do this by delivering highly creative financial solutions and a level of professional service that consistently exceeds client expectations. Our core service offerings include: Sell-side Advisory, Acquisition Advisory, Strategic Assessment and Transaction Planning, Fairness Opinions and Financing — Debt and Equity Capital Raising.

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Nouvelles et perspectives

Voir toutes les actualités et informations

Exclusive interview with CFI’s Chairman Jean-Marc Teurquetil
Articles de presse

Exclusive interview with CFI’s Chairman Jean-Marc Teurquetil

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The future of the Electric Vehicle market and its affect on M&A, as published by Automotive News
Articles de presse

The future of the Electric Vehicle market and its affect on M&A, as published by Automotive News

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Orientation sectorielle

CFI utilise une orientation sectorielle spécialisée qui soutient une compréhension approfondie des tendances, des innovations récentes et des réglementations fluctuantes affectant nos clients. Favorisant une culture de collaboration en temps réel au sein du cabinet, CFI s’organise en 16 équipes sectorielles internationales.

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