
CFI Brazil
Votre conseiller local
São Paulo

Avenue Andrômeda, 885 – 14th Floor
Brascan Building – Alphaville 06473-000
Barueri – São Paulo
T: +55 11 3500 5555


As the largest country in South America, Brazil represents an attractive range of opportunities in the most diverse sectors, from Technology to Industrials, within its own borders. Local knowledge is vital to unveil these opportunities, which perfectly positions CFI Brazil to leverage its strong local market presence for clients. CFI Brazil assists corporations and owners of closely-held companies in the sale and acquisition of middle market companies. It also offers to its clients a unique blend of personal expertise, attention, and professional services resulting in successful transactions. As part of the CFI Group, CFI Brazil is able to help buyers locate appropriate targets and sellers find suitable buyers or investors around the world. This has resulted in an exceptional track record of success. M&A advice is our core business. Our team also provides valuation and project finance services, restructuring, investor relations, IPO and corporate governance advisory.

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Nouvelles et perspectives

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Exclusive interview with CFI’s Chairman Jean-Marc Teurquetil
Articles de presse

Exclusive interview with CFI’s Chairman Jean-Marc Teurquetil

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Orientation sectorielle

CFI utilise une orientation sectorielle spécialisée qui soutient une compréhension approfondie des tendances, des innovations récentes et des réglementations fluctuantes affectant nos clients. Favorisant une culture de collaboration en temps réel au sein du cabinet, CFI s’organise en 16 équipes sectorielles internationales.

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