
CFI Portugal
Votre conseiller local

Av. Nossa Senhora do Rosário,
603 – Bloco 1 – 2º M
2750-179 Cascais
T: +351 (21) 481-8390
E: lisbon@thecfigroup.com


CFI Portugal has been active in Portugal since 1991, and has specialised in providing Corporate Finance services to mid-sized companies, family businesses and big corporations that require a company with the experience and know-how of big investment banks, but oriented and tailored to their specific needs. CFI Portugal provides specialised advisors on mergers & acquisitions as well as providing strategic advisory, due diligence and debt advisory services. CFI Portugal consists of a multidisciplinary team with professionals with a broad expertise in assessing and carrying out all types of corporate transactions and providing advisory services.

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Nouvelles et perspectives

Voir toutes les actualités et informations

Exclusive interview with CFI’s Chairman Jean-Marc Teurquetil
Articles de presse

Exclusive interview with CFI’s Chairman Jean-Marc Teurquetil

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Orientation sectorielle

CFI utilise une orientation sectorielle spécialisée qui soutient une compréhension approfondie des tendances, des innovations récentes et des réglementations fluctuantes affectant nos clients. Favorisant une culture de collaboration en temps réel au sein du cabinet, CFI s’organise en 16 équipes sectorielles internationales.

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